Our parish is served by two churches
St. Anne's, Bohernabreena and Holy Rosary, Oldcourt
Parish Office Opening Hours
St. Anne's Parish Office
Bohernabreena, Dublin D24 C651Wed & Fri 10.00am to 12.30am
- Secretary: Ann Barnes
- Phone: 01 4626 893
- Email: stannes.bohernabreena@gmail.com
Holy Rosary Parish Office
Old Court Ave, Ballycullen D24 A2C5Mon & Tues 10.00am to 2.00pm
- Secretary: Deborah Brown
- Phone: 01 4141 838
- Email: holyrosary.bohernabreena@gmail.com
Mass Cards are available from the parish offices and Sacristy in both churches.
Mass Times in our Parish Grouping
St Anne's Church, Bohernabreena
Holy Rosary Church, Ballycragh,
St Martin de Porres Church, Aylesbury
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Firhouse
7pm Vigil St Martins
10am & 6pm Our Lady of Mount Carmel
8.30am - St Anne’s
10.30am - Holy Rosary
12.30pm - St Martins
9.30am & 11.30am
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Monday 10am - Holy Rosary
Friday 10am - St. Anne's
Tues to Thur 10am - St. Martins
Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri
10am Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Monday 9th December
Mass Times
No Mass St. Anne's
10am Mass Holy Rosary
11am Mass St. Martins
7pm Mass St. Martins
Eucharistic Adoration
There will be Eucharistic Adoration at the following times and all are invited to attend:
Holy Rosary Church every Monday morning for one hour following the 10am mass St Martin de Porres Church Mon 7.00pm - 8.00pmWed after 10am Mass until 12 noonThu 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Follow us on Facebook at @BohernabreenaParishIf you would like to receive emails from the parish please send a request to bohparishnews@gmail.com
The Advent Reconciliation Service for our local Deanery will be held on Monday, 9th December at 7.30pm in St Mary’s Priory, Tallaght Village.
Mass Scheduling
Dear Friends in Christ,
Thank you for your continuing prayers and support in these challenging times for our parishes.
As you may know, back in December 2022 Archbishop Dermot Farrell in his Advent Pastoral Letter, The Time has Come, confirmed parish partnership arrangements as part of the diocesan Building Hope initiative. We are currently in a parish partnership which comprises St. Martin de Porres, Bohernabreena and Firhouse.
Parishes were initially invited to form a Partnership Council in order to implement practical pastoral initiatives for development. This we have done and we meet together on a regular basis. One of the areas open to discussion was Mass scheduling with a view to reviewing together how to develop quality liturgical celebrations across the partnership. This review was undertaken in the context of the reality of declining Mass attendance numbers and a decline in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. Indeed, the decline in vocation numbers has led to an inevitable reduction in priests available for full-time ministry and this reality is already being felt in parishes including our own. Taking all of this into consideration, the following is our current weekend Mass schedule for our parish partnership.
Saturday: 6.00pm Vigil Mass Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Firhouse
7.00pm Vigil Mass St Martin de Porres, Old Bawn
Sunday: 8.30am St. Anne’s, Bohernabreena
9.30am Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Firhouse
10.30am Holy Rosary, Ballycragh
11.30am Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Firhouse
12.30pm St Martin de Porres, Old Bawn
As things stand, the above schedule is set to run for the foreseeable future. We appreciate your support and understanding in this time of change for the Catholic Church in the Archdiocese of Dublin. Let us resolve to pray for each other and for the guidance of the Holy Spirit as we continue in our mission to work together and live out our baptismal calling in humble and loving service.
With every blessing,
Fr. James P.P.
Age Friendly Ireland showcases the services, supports and activities available to older people to lead fulfilling, healthy and active lives.
A Coordinator has agreed to visit St. Martin’s and address various issues of interest and concerns.
The date is THIS Monday 9th Dec and the venue is
St. Martin’s Pastoral Room at 12 noon.
This is a FREE event and is open to all.
Please register your interest by contacting the Parish Office (01) 4510160.
First Holy Communion Preparation Mass for children from Holy Rosary primary school will take place at 10.30am this Sunday 8th December.
St Anne’s Church
Thurs 12th Dec 2024 at 7.00pm
All are very welcome!
We are very grateful to the Archdiocese for allowing us to take up a collection in place of the Share collection this Sunday 8th December. This forms a major part of our fundraising for the year and helps us to come to the assistance of individuals and families that are in need.
Parish Cell Communities
People meet on different evenings in homes throughout the parish during the coming weeks beginning 15th Sept and then during alternate weeks. Visitors are always welcome to come and see.
Parish cells support people who are searching, or seeking a deeper faith, and helps to be more involved in one’s parish. While together, people read and reflect on a Scripture passage and look at where they can see God in their lives. There’s also a time for prayers and intercession. There are boxes at the back of the Church where people can leave prayer requests - all confidential.
For more information please call:
Eugene 085 7330 191 (Holy Rosary Parish Cell)
Maeve 087 6681 331 (Holy Rosary Parish Cell)
Angela c/o parish office 01 4626 893(St Anne’s Parish Cell)
We have a selection of rosary beads, gifts, prayer cards, baby gifts and cards, and children’s book for sale in Holy Rosary Church. Items are available from the parish office on Monday/Tuesday mornings or from the Sacristy after mass. Mass cards are also available from the Sacristy and office.
Pre-Covid we had a very active Children’s Liturgy Group in Holy Rosary, run by parents and volunteers. Children from age 5 went into the side room of the Church to learn about the mass and readings of the day in child-friendly ways, using worksheets, crafts etc. The children also took part in Nativities and other events during the year.
We would now like to start up a new Children’s Liturgy Group in Holy Rosary, so we need your help! If you are interested in being involved in this very rewarding activity, please contact the office at Holy Rosary on 01 4141838.
There are two new Local Link buses operating on Saturdays -
the SD3 between Bohernabreena and Tallaght, and
the SD4 operating between Tallaght and Tibradden.
Timetables for these buses are available at the back of the Church or can be found at
If these services are not used regularly, they may be cancelled so please give them your support. (Please note that free travel passes are accepted on these services.)
Please note that it is no longer possible to donate to St Anne's Church via this button. If you would like to make a donation to St Anne's Church, whether regularly or a once off donation, please contact the parish office or use the account details as per the standing order form (link below). We greatly appreciate all donations to our parish churches, and apologise for any inconvenience this change may cause.
Standing Order Instruction ST. ANNE'S
Standing Order Instruction HOLY ROSARY
The Parish relies on the generosity of our Parishioners as the planned giving (Family offering) is the SOLE income which stays in the Parish for the day to day upkeep and running of our Churches - altar expenses, light & heat, wages, etc. If you are in a position to contribute to the planned giving, please contact our parish offices for a box of envelopes (which can be returned each weekend at mass). Every contribution is important to us, now matter how much you can give.You also have the option to pay online through EasyPayments on our parish website (www.bohernabreenaparish.com) or via monthly standing order. Forms are available from the parish offices and, due to lower bank costs, this would be our preferred option if possible. Please phone the parish office if you require any help or clarification on any of the above.Registered Charity No. 20016166
Our Churches are open for public worship and we also live stream our masses
(live streaming from St. Anne's cannot be guaranteed as we only have access to a mobile signal which can be unreliable).
The Irish Hospice Foundation provides a free Bereavement Support Line. This National Freephone Service is available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday, by calling 1800 807077. Visit www.hospicefoundation.ie for more information.
AWARE – Support & Self Care Groups
If you or those with whom you work wish to connect with people in relation to your mental wellbeing, consider using Aware’s phone-in and Zoom support and self-care groups, support line or support mail. For more information, visit www.aware.ie.
Prayer Before Holy Communion
– St. Thomas Aquinas
All powerful and everlasting God,
I ask that I might receive,
the Bread of Angels,
the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords,
with that reverence and humility,
with that contrition and devotion,
with that purity and faith which
is expedient for the salvation of
my soul. Amen.
Prayer after Holy Communion
– St Thomas Aquinas
Sweetest Jesus,
Body and Blood most holy,
be the delight and pleasure of my soul,
my strength and salvation
in all temptations,
my joy and peace in every trial,
my light and guide in every
word and deed,
and my final protection
in death. Amen.
We have copies of
“Living Words - A Booklet for renewal in the Holy Spirit”
written by our own Fr Michael Hurley.
This booklet helps you to see the spirituality in the daily life around you and grow a deeper trust in Jesus Christ’s love and goodness, leading to you living a more joyful and loving life. The booklets are €5 each and are available from the churches and parish offices. We welcome your support.
Building Hope Feedback
ACCORD Dublin Website
For Sacramental Marriage Preparation Courses or for Marriage and Relationship Counselling please visit www.accorddublin.ie
150th Anniversary Book
St. Anne's Church
The St Anne’s Church Committee produced a wonderful book to commemorate this special year in our parish. It looks back on the history of St Anne’s, records the celebration events and also reflects on the future.
It contains lovely accounts, photos, drawings, poems by the children and many friends of St Anne’s and it is a truly valuable record of our community and heritage. Every household in the parish should have one. It only costs €10 and is available from the parish office at St Anne's Church.