Our parish is served by two churches
St. Anne's, Bohernabreena and Holy Rosary, Oldcourt
Parish Office Opening Hours
St. Anne's Parish Office
Bohernabreena, Dublin D24 C651Wed & Fri 10.00am to 12.30am
- Secretary: Ann Barnes
- Phone: 01 4626 893
- Email: stannes.bohernabreena@gmail.com
Holy Rosary Parish Office
Old Court Ave, Ballycullen D24 A2C5Mon & Tues 10.00am to 2.00pm
- Secretary: Deborah Brown
- Phone: 01 4141 838
- Email: holyrosary.bohernabreena@gmail.com
Parish Grouping Mass Times
St Anne's Church, Bohernabreena
Holy Rosary Church, Ballycragh,
St Martin de Porres Church, Aylesbury
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Church, Firhouse
7pm Vigil St Martins
10am & 6pm Our Lady of Mount Carmel
8.30am - St Anne’s
10.30am - Holy Rosary
12.30pm - St Martins
9.30am & 11.30am
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Monday 10am - Holy Rosary
Friday 10am - St. Anne's
Tues to Fri 10am - St. Martins
Mon, Wed, Thurs & Fri
10am Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Eucharistic Adoration
There will be Eucharistic Adoration at the following times and all are invited to attend:
Holy Rosary Church every Monday morning for one hour following the 10am mass St Martin de Porres Church Mon 7.00pm - 8.00pmWed after 10am Mass until 12 noonThu 7.00pm - 8.00pm
Follow us on Facebook at @BohernabreenaParishIf you would like to receive emails from the parish please send a request to bohparishnews@gmail.com
Saturday Vigil 7.00pm St Martin de Porres Church
Sunday 8.30am St Anne’s Church
10.30am Holy Rosary Church
12.30pm St Martin de Porres Church
Monday 10.00am Holy Rosary Church (except Public Hols)
Tuesday-Thursday 10.00am St Martin de Porres Church
Friday 10.00am St Anne’s Church
Mass times in Our Lady of Mount Carmel, Firhouse:
Saturday Vigil 6.00pm
Sunday 9.30am and 11.30am
Mon, Wed, Thur & Fri 10.00am
Have you ever wanted to know more about your faith? Are you looking for a course that can help you grow in your ministry? Pathways is an Adult Faith formation programme run by the Archdiocese of Dublin aimed at all adults, members of PPCs and those in parish ministry.
It is a 2 year course running on Thursday evenings from September to May (excluding holidays) from 7pm-9.30pm in DCU, Drumcondra, Dublin 9. For more details, and to complete the online application form, please visit www.missionministry.ie/pathways or email peter.siney@dublindiocese.ie.
Archbishop Dermot Farrell has recently issued a Pastoral Letter entitled Building Hope with Open Hearts. It launches, across the diocese, a significant new phase of the Building Hope pastoral renewal initiative with the publication in September of the Building Hope Pastoral Strategic Planning Resource 2025–2027 and associated Workshops.
Copies of the letter are available at the back of the church or online at the following link
The Season of Creation started last Sunday 1st September and will be celebrated in our parish with the following upcoming events:
Sunday 22nd September at 3pm
Mass will be celebrated outdoors at Ballinascorney Mass Rock.
Sunday 29th September at 3pm
An Ecumenical Harvest Service will take place in St Anne’s Church.
Friday 4th October at 5.30pm
Blessing of pets at Holy Rosary Church.
More details will be provided nearer to the time of the above events, and we hope you will share the information on our behalf with others you think might like to attend.
Crosscare’s Annual Appeal will take place on the weekend of September 14/15.
Next weekend, September 14 and 15, Crosscare will hold its Annual Appeal for those most in need. This will replace the Share collection at all Masses. Crosscare delivers a wide range of homeless, youth, and food poverty support to people at various stages of poverty or marginalisation.
Regrettably, the demand for these vital services continues to increase, and Crosscare relies on your generosity to reach as many people as possible who need help. Please support the Crosscare collection if you can next weekend at all Masses in the Archdiocese, or you can donate online at www.crosscare.ie.
St Anne’s Cell Prayer Group will meet on alternate Mondays from Monday 2nd September at 8pm in Rosanna Hall. Anyone who would like to join us is welcome. While together we read and reflect on a Scripture passage and look at where we can see God in our lives. There is time for prayers of intercession. In St Anne’s Church there are boxes where people can leave prayer requested - all confidential.
Parish Cells Of Evangelisation
National Seminar – 27th-28th September 2024
Our Lady’s Parish Centre - Leixlip
“Renew Your Hope in the Love of God”
(Importance of faith communities today)
Guest Speakers
Bishop Paul Dempsey
Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin
Bishop Paul was born in Carlow in 1971. He was ordained priest in 1997 for service in the Diocese of Kildare and Leighlin. He served as curate in the parishes of Clane, Kildare Town and Naas. In 2014 he was appointed parish priest of Newbridge. On the 27th January 2020, Pope Francis appointed Fr. Paul as Bishop of Achonry Diocese in the West of Ireland, covering parts of Roscommon, Mayo and Sligo. With the reconfiguration of Dioceses in the West, Bishop Paul was appointed Auxiliary Bishop of Dublin on the 10th of April, 2024.
Ann and Peter Armstrong
(Cell Experience Northern Ireland)
Ann and Peter have been involved in the Cell Community in Coleraine parish for many years. Peter will share his unique Faith story and Ann will share how parish cells have impacted her faith
Canon Michael Hurley
Canon Michael grew up in Bantry, Co. Cork. He has had seven very varied appointments as a priest in the Archdiocese of Dublin. He has been a regular speaker at Cell Seminars at national and international level. To quote Canon Michael: “I know the difference God makes and am committed to people knowing His love for them. While I was parish priest in Leixlip (2002-2011), many small communities formed among families and friends”
Fr. Gregory O’Brien
– Leixlip & Confey Parishes
Fr. Gregory is from Marino and was ordained in Fairview in 1987. As a curate he served in such diverse parishes as Blanchardstown, Luton England, and Meadowbrook in Ballinteer. His first
appointment as P.P. was Cabra followed by Willington and he currently serves as P.P. in the combined parishes of Leixlip and Confey. To quote Fr. Gregory “I find the priesthood, even in the present trying circumstances, a most fulfilling and beautiful life.”
Bayside Alpha are hosting on Zoom Bishop Barron’s 6 week film series ‘Conversion - Following the Call of Christ’, starting on Sunday the 15th of September from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. Bishop Barron illuminates six biblical stories of conversion, demonstrating how six ordinary people were met by Jesus where they were and called to a better life through Him. To join this free course email Paul at alphabayside@gmail.com. ]
Upcoming Retreats - Dominican Retreat Centre
Lectio Divina at the Dominican Retreat Centre, with Fr Joe Ralph
Together we will eat and drink at the banquet table of God’s Word.
Following the ancient practice of Lectio Divina we will read, recognize, respond, rest-in and reflect on the rich food of the Sunday Gospels.
“If Lectio Divina is effectively promoted, this practice will bring to the Church – I am convinced of it – a new spiritual springtime.”
Pope Benedict, on the 40th anniversary of Dei Verbum.
Come and enjoy the first fruits of this springtime. There is room for everybody at this banquet table - the only qualifications required are life
experience and a living faith.
Commencing on Saturday, 7th September 2024 for five Saturdays, we will meet from 11am to 12.30pm including tea/coffee. A donation of €5 per week is suggested.
Joseph Ralph is a Dominican friar of the Irish Province who now resides in the Dominican Retreat House in Tallaght after many years engaged in the Lectio mission in Newry. Since his return to Ireland from Trinidad he has been actively and enthusiastically promoting Lectio Divina as a way of nourishing faith, growing in discipleship, and building community.
Check out lectio.newrydominican.com
Dominican Retreat Centre, Tallaght Village, D24 KA40
Telephone: 01 4048189 / 4048123
Email: dominicanretreats@gmail.com
Please note that it is no longer possible to donate to St Anne's Church via this button. If you would like to make a donation to St Anne's Church, whether regularly or a once off donation, please contact the parish office or use the account details as per the standing order form (link below). We greatly appreciate all donations to our parish churches, and apologise for any inconvience this change may cause.
Standing Order Instruction ST. ANNE'S
Standing Order Instruction HOLY ROSARY
Family Carers Are you caring for a loved one at home with additional needs? A spouse, partner, child, close relative or neighbour? Then you are a family carer! Become a member of Family Carers Ireland, the national charity supporting Ireland’s 500,000+ family carers nationwide. Contact 057 93 70221 and hear how we can support you or for more info visit www.familycarers.ie.
The Parish relies on the generosity of our Parishioners as the planned giving (Family offering) is the SOLE income which stays in the Parish for the day to day upkeep and running of our Churches - altar expenses, light & heat, wages, etc. If you are in a position to contribute to the planned giving, please contact our parish offices for a box of envelopes (which can be returned each weekend at mass). Every contribution is important to us, now matter how much you can give.You also have the option to pay online through EasyPayments on our parish website (www.bohernabreenaparish.com) or via monthly standing order. Forms are available from the parish offices and, due to lower bank costs, this would be our preferred option if possible. Please phone the parish office if you require any help or clarification on any of the above.Registered Charity No. 20016166
Our Churches are open for public worship and we also live stream our masses
(live streaming from St. Anne's cannot be guaranteed as we only have access to a mobile signal which can be unreliable).
The Irish Hospice Foundation provides a free Bereavement Support Line. This National Freephone Service is available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday, by calling 1800 807077. Visit www.hospicefoundation.ie for more information.
AWARE – Support & Self Care Groups
If you or those with whom you work wish to connect with people in relation to your mental wellbeing, consider using Aware’s phone-in and Zoom support and self-care groups, support line or support mail. For more information, visit www.aware.ie.
Prayer Before Holy Communion
– St. Thomas Aquinas
All powerful and everlasting God,
I ask that I might receive,
the Bread of Angels,
the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords,
with that reverence and humility,
with that contrition and devotion,
with that purity and faith which
is expedient for the salvation of
my soul. Amen.
Prayer after Holy Communion
– St Thomas Aquinas
Sweetest Jesus,
Body and Blood most holy,
be the delight and pleasure of my soul,
my strength and salvation
in all temptations,
my joy and peace in every trial,
my light and guide in every
word and deed,
and my final protection
in death. Amen.
Is the Lord calling you to be a Eucharistic Minister?
‘When the Sacred Scriptures are read in the Church, God himself speaks to His people, and Christ, present in His word, proclaims the Gospel. Therefore, the readings from the Word of God are to be listened to reverently by everyone, for they are an element of the greatest importance in the Liturgy.’ (General Instruction of the Roman Missal [GIRM], no. 29).
What is a Reader / Lector? This ministry may be called reader or minister of the word. A lector is the person who proclaims the first or second reading at Mass. This person also may lead the Psalm (in the absence of a cantor) and the Prayer of the Faithful at Mass (in the absence of the deacon). The lector must believe that Sacred Scripture is the Word of God and have deep respect for God's presence in that Word. If you are interested in becoming a Reader in our parish then please leave your contact details with Ann in the Parish Office or contact any of the priests.
Eucharistic Ministers are lay people who have been commissioned by the Church to help with the distribution of Communion at Masses and to bring Holy Communion to the sick, infirm and housebound who can no longer come to Mass. Before being commissioned the Ministers are invited to take part in a preparation process outlining the great importance of the Eucharist and also the practicalities involved in the distribution.
This ministry is a very special and sacred one. For the sick, the reception of Communion is not only a privilege but also a sign of support for its members and concern shown by the Christian community for its members who are ill. New members are always welcome. If you would like to get involved in this Ministry, please give your name to one of the priests or leave it with the Parish Secretary in the parish office.
We have copies of
“Living Words - A Booklet for renewal in the Holy Spirit”
written by our own Fr Michael Hurley.
This booklet helps you to see the spirituality in the daily life around you and grow a deeper trust in Jesus Christ’s love and goodness, leading to you living a more joyful and loving life. The booklets are €5 each and are available from the churches and parish offices. We welcome your support.
Building Hope Feedback
ACCORD Dublin Website
For Sacramental Marriage Preparation Courses or for Marriage and Relationship Counselling please visit www.accorddublin.ie
150th Anniversary Book
St. Anne's Church
The St Anne’s Church Committee produced a wonderful book to commemorate this special year in our parish. It looks back on the history of St Anne’s, records the celebration events and also reflects on the future.
It contains lovely accounts, photos, drawings, poems by the children and many friends of St Anne’s and it is a truly valuable record of our community and heritage. Every household in the parish should have one. It only costs €10 and is available from the parish office at St Anne's Church.